ComplianceCow Cookie Policy

LAST UPDATED: April 14th, 2021

ComplianceCow created this Cookie Policy to help you learn about how we use browser cookies and other device identifying technologies (collectively, “Cookies”) on our websites, on ComplianceCow software applications (“apps”), through other means offered and controlled by ComplianceCow that link to this Cookie Policy (collectively, the “Services”) and in the emails that ComplianceCow sends to you. We use Cookies to receive and store certain types of information whenever you interact with our Services and emails to improve the performance of our Services, distinguish you from other users of our Services, and enhance your user experience when you use our Services.

You have the option to manage the Cookies that you want to accept from our Services, including to disable some of them as we detail below in the section titled: How to Opt-Out by Disabling and Blocking Our Cookies.

You can visit to give you a general background on Cookies and Cookies Management.

Cookies are small text files that are sent to and stored on your browser or the hard drive of your computer when you visit our Services, and contain information that may identify you and your preferences whenever you return to our Services. They are not computer programs and they cannot access your hard drive or the information stored in it. We may also collect information from Cookies associated with your device, such as your mobile device identifier.

We may use Cookies on our Services for security and online tracking purposes, to facilitate navigation and display information more effectively, to monitor the success of our Services. We also use Cookies to gather information about your interactions with us, and your use of the Services. We do this to improve the user experience and the design and functionality of our Services.

We may use Cookies on our Services for security and online tracking purposes, to facilitate navigation and display information more effectively, to monitor the success of our Services. We also use Cookies to gather information about your interactions with us, and your use of the Services. We do this to improve the user experience and the design and functionality of our Services.

Basic Cookies

Basic Cookies collect session ID and user authentication information, which allows registered users to perform multiple actions within the same Service visit without having to repeatedly re-enter log-in details each time they navigate to a new webpage or perform a new function. These Cookies also help ensure that you can access registered-user-only pages, load web pages faster, and improve overall Service performance, like being able to easily share content.

These Cookies do not gather information about you that could be used for marketing or advertising purposes or remember where you have been on the internet.

We set the applicable Basic Cookies when you visit our Services because you will not be able to use our Services properly without them.

Analytics Cookies

Analytics Cookies track user behavior on our Services, such as by counting the number of visitors and how they move around our Services.  This helps us improve content and the user experience by doing things such as collecting information about how you use our Services (e.g., which pages you visit, if you experience any errors) and how you interact with our communications. The information collected by these Cookies is used only to help us improve our Services, better understand user interests, and measure the effectiveness of our advertising generally.

If you disable these Cookies, we will not be able to learn how you utilize our Services, and our ability to improve the content and operation of our Services will be impaired.

Functionality Cookies

Functionality Cookies allow us to manage and control variations of Services, understand which pages are most successful, and provide enhanced services, like being able to watch a video or comment on a blog. ComplianceCow also uses functionality Cookies to collect information regarding your preferences on our Services, including your preferences for language, currency, text size, fonts, and any other parts of our Services that are customizable. If you disable these Cookies, we will not be able to remember your Service preferences and you will have to reset those preferences each time you visit our Services.

What Third-party Cookies Are Used on the Services?

We also use a variety of third-party Cookies on our Services for advertising purposes, as well as to provide  analytics and functionality enhancements.

Here are the following 3rd party Cookies we use:

  • Google Analytics
Analytics Cookies

We use third-party analytics Cookies to help monitor traffic on our Services by collecting information about how people use our Services, including information on the number of visitors to our Services, the webpages they visited, how long they spent there, what they clicked on, and how they navigated to and within our Services. ComplianceCow uses this information to compile reports and to help us improve our Services based on usage.

We may also use third-party analytics Cookies to help perform market research and revenue tracking, optimize functionality, and monitor compliance with our terms and conditions.

Functionality Cookies

We use third-party functionality Cookies to provide enhanced services, such as commenting on a particular control or add watch on a specific organization.

How to Opt-out by Disabling and Blocking Our Cookies

Unless you adjust your browser settings to refuse browser Cookies, our Services will issue browser Cookies as soon as you visit one of our Services. Once you have browser Cookies enabled and you visit one of our Services, we store one or more browser Cookies on your computer or device to remember you for the next time you visit. These Cookie(s) do not persist and eventually expire; however, you can update your cookies settings to delete them if you so choose before they expire by deleting your browser cookies using your Internet browser settings.

If you do not want to accept browser Cookies, you may in some cases simply configure your browser settings so that your browser: (a) declines browser Cookies automatically or (b) gives you the choice of declining or accepting a particular browser Cookie from a particular Service. You may also want to “limit ad tracking” by configuring your settings on your mobile device directly.

If you choose to reject browser Cookies, our Services may be disabled or their functionality may be impaired. In addition, turning off your browser’s cookies will prevent Cookies from measuring the relevance and effectiveness of our Services, e-mails, and advertising. You will continue to receive advertisements from third parties and possibly even from ComplianceCow, but they would not be customized to reflect your interests. We do not control whether these ads are displayed to you.

If you disable Basic Cookies, you may not be able to log in, download materials and products, or use single sign on to access the ComplianceCow Services. If you disable non-Basic Cookies, the Services should still operate overall, but you may not be able to download or view certain content.

For more on how to disable or block Cookies from your browser or mobile device see or

Contact ComplianceCow

If you have any questions or comments about this Cookie Policy, you can contact us at any time: