Compliance is a Team Sport – let’s treat it like one

Scenario 1

We have all been there before. A work colleague needs our help with something. It is a simple ask. Just help collect a piece of evidence and submit it into the system. You need only to learn a new tool.

Step 1. Time to log in. The compliance specialist sent me a link and a login. Let me check my email.

Step 2. Logged in. Now how does this work, and what exactly am I supposed to do?

Step 3. Write back to the compliance specialist for further instructions. I will be smart and chat with her on slack or teams to make sure I get this done right.

(In the background, this is happening multiple times and the compliance specialist has now become the software help desk for the new compliance software. Luckily, she is an expert in all compliance software and has experience training colleagues. She also loves compliance so much that she is happy to spend her free time training colleagues.)

There has to be a better way.

Scenario 2

A work colleague needs our help with something. It is a simple ask. Just help collect a piece of evidence and submit it into the system.

Step 1. Accept the assignment in Slack or Teams.

Step 2. Follow the step-by-step instructions in Slack to collect the evidence.

Step 3. Submit right there on Slack, where you are already working.


We all know which scenario is preferred, even for the most passionate compliance people.

It is not necessary to have all users interact with the core software. A chatbot can be deployed where your employees already are, Slack or Teams. A guided workflow can be deployed through conversation. This chatbot integration allows for another level of collaboration compared to before. People no longer need to be added to the system or specifically trained. The bot workflow can handle that.

As a compliance specialist, this is a true game-changer. You no longer need to train your colleagues in new software. You can limit your training to your compliance needs and have ComplianceCow and its conversational bot assist you.

If you are not sure who specifically from a team can help you, you can assign it to the team, and one of them can raise their hand to carry out the task.

ComplianceCow supplies a Slack or Teams chatbot to drive communication, education, and task management freeing the specialists time for higher value work than herding cats. This herding help is especially important in the modern hybrid workplace.

Just wait to see what can be accomplished with these good vibes and excellent collaboration. Compliance and Security GRC & Assurance can become a team sport. Many members of the organization can seamlessly interact with assurance and risk bringing a more comprehensive understanding of risk to the larger organization.

Next Steps

Just wait to see what can be accomplished with these good vibes and excellent collaboration. Compliance and Security GRC & Assurance can become a team sport. Many members of the organization can seamlessly interact with assurance and risk bringing a more comprehensive understanding of risk to the larger organization.

In addition to pre-configured policy templates available for your use, we enable your users to write their own policy regardless of their technical background. All users can write and consume policy on the platform or through Slack and Teams workflows. A new age of Collaborative Security GRC & Assurance is here built for the Cloud and Kubernetes.